Baloch Women a Brief Introduction
Women become the first and the safest targets of many
fanatical religious movements. Be it a revolution on the name of religion or a
movement to “purify” a society from “evils”, the leaders of such so-called
reformist initiatives first of all enforce all their “wonderful ideas” on
women. They begin with dictating women how to dress, how to behave and how to
spend their individual lives. Ironically, all these decisions are made (for
women) by the men.
is no hidden fact that Balochistan is a region blessed munificently by nature
with a plentitude of natural resources proving British Prime Minister Benjamin
Disraeli’s calling of India (United India which once Pakistan was part of) the ‘brightest
jewel in Her Majesty’s Crown’.
Status of Woman in Baloch Tribes
The Baloch woman is called Balochni in Balochi language.
As a Mother
In Balochi, mother is called “Mazh” as a word of
English and Persian “Mother” whereas; “Umtay” is also the
tradition as the Arabic word “Umm”. The son respects his mother a lot. In
domestic affairs, the value of mother is as a king. Every kind of work is done
by the advice of mother. If mother and wife quarrel, son stands by his mother.
Even if mother is at fault.
As a Sister
Sister is called Gohar. The elder sister is like
mother where as they have love and respect for younger sisters. They send the
meal of Eid at Eid.
As a Wife
Baloch say his wife “Banokh, Looghi, Halqh and Khad. Baloch
behave to their wife well. According to Abdul Aziz Khan, “In Qaisrani tribe the
relation of wife is of friendship. They share wife in domestic affairs and
provide her domestic needs at home. The wife help her husband in every domestic
work even in grazing cattle there are many examples of woman stress in the
world, but there is no such example in the Baloch society.
As a Daughter

As a Common Woman
As a whole Baloch is bashful nation. They respect woman. If any
Baloch is going on the way and he sees any woman coming from opposite side,
they put down their eyes. Baloch tribes consider it respectable to guard the
respect of others. If they have any refugee, they consider it their duty to
guard him. This thing is considered the “Balochi standard”.
Respect of Woman of Enemy
Good manners with woman, of Baloch tribe, are superior thinking.
It includes in the rules of wars not to kill woman and children. In these
situation woman can come out of security when their men and relatives are in
battlefield. Baloch are very sensitive about the honor of woman. They consider
it their duty, just like this as eagle remains flying on the nest.
The Right of Inheritance
Allah Almighty has created all the creatures in pair. The man, who
is superior to other creatures, is created in pairs, so that they remain
existence and make their rules. One of these long is of inheritance. Before
Islam woman did not get the right of inheritance. Many of Baloch tribes did not
give the right of inheritance to woman.
the matter of inheritance Baloch followed Mangools and instead of following the
divine law they followed Changezi. In this law they did not admit the
inheritance of women because they got these properties in reward of army
services. If they gave inheritance woman, these would be bustle in army system.
Before Pakistan establishment Qaisrani tribe followed tribe
women were not given immovable property. After Pakistan establishment woman is
given the share of property according to the Muhammadi laws.
Behavior with Widow
Behavior with Widow
Qaisrani tribe before settlement of Pakistan woman was not given the share of
property. But after the settlement of Pakistan widow is being give the share of
inheritance according to Muhammadi laws. Widow is free in Baloch tribes, if the
son of widow is young, she can live with him. If her son is smaller, she has
the option to marry after prohibited period or live with his son. There is not
a single example that they stop her to marry after her husband is death.

Divorce Obtained by a Woman
Its worldly meaning is to put off give up to give divorce in
return of property. According to divine laws, if there is any contradiction
between wife and husband, and the man does not give divorce, woman has right to
get rid of by giving some money. In Qaisrani tribe woman has the right to
obtain divorce. If a woman demands divorce due to oppression of her husband by
appealing to the respectable and older member of tribes, these men settle down
the affair between them.
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