a filthy Hub of Women Harassments
Conditions for Women all over India makes them most miserable creature on Earth
Statistics from 2011 showed that on average a woman
is raped every 10 minutes in India
Indian Women are not received that level of love,
affection, respect, which offers to animals like Cows, monkeys, Rats, Snakes
and other miserable
been over sixty years since India gained independence, but Indian women are
still not allowed to move independently. Though woman is worshipped in India as
Goddess, people can't just restrain from committing atrocities against them.
Women here experience many hardships at various places right from home to
working places.
India, woman spends life either in their parent's home or of their husband's
home. Justice, liberty and equality for her depends on the condition of
these families. Due to industrialization, globalization, development in various
fields, role of women is changing rapidly in India. Today, women in India
are showing progress in almost all the fields such as education, economics,
politics, media, art, space and culture, service sectors, science and
technology, etc.

in India are facing following types of offences:
- Physical
- Mental
- Sexual
- Rape,
- Sexual
- Forced
- Kidnapping
and abduction,
- Female
foeticide and infanticide,
- Murder
- Humiliation
& abuse
- Domestic violence, etc.
Indian Women Have no Right to equality, they are Discriminated
on ground of race, caste, sex etc., they don’t have Equality of Opportunity, No
Right to Freedom, No Right to life & Liberty, all over India they are
treated as Goods of traffic in human
beings & forced labor, they don’t have Freedom of conscience & free
profession, practice & propagation of religion, All over India Men and Women
have no equally right to an adequate means of livelihood, neither Equal pay for
equal work for both for men & women nor Health & strength of workers
men and women & tender age of children are also abused & citizens are forced
by eco. , Necessity. Another problem that many of the women in rural areas of
India face is that they can't move about freely at nights.

Women's groups attest that the strict and conservative attitudes about sex and family privacy contribute to ineffectiveness of India's rape laws. Victims are often reluctant to report rape. In an open court victims must prove that the rapist sexually penetrated them in order to get a conviction. This can be especially damaging. After proving that she has been raped, a victim is often ostracized from her family and community. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that rape laws are inadequate and definitions so narrow that prosecution is made difficult.
Dowry system in India is actually illegal according to the laws. But the laws imposed have not removed the curse of the system completely. A girl’s family is forced to give some amount of money or gold while she gets married. Whatever may be the lump sum amount given, the in-laws are never satisfied and once the girl enters their house, they torture both the girl and her family, insisting to give them more dowry. Although all the cited problems occur frequently, very few are reported.

violent conduct is prohibited both by law and by University rules, a specific
policy defining sexual harassment is required to address the specific form and
extent of sexual harassment in the University. The policy recognizes that
sexual harassment is not an offence merely amounting to disruption of law and
order. Sexual harassment in educational institutions is an act which violates
gender equality and right to education in healthy environment for all. Sexual
harassment not only affects students but reinforces gender-based discrimination
for everyone.
harassment cases in educational institutions should be dealt with seriously. It
affects personality, mental & physical growth, development of the young
girls. Secrecy should be maintained in such matters. Publicity of such matters
affects life of students. It is observed from the reports of the newspapers
that sometimes Teachers, Professors, Trustees, Doctors, Heads of the
Departments etc. of the educational institutions in the various fields like
medical, engineering, architect, hotel management, law etc. takes undue
advantage of the situation of students during examinations, study tours,
picnics etc. Teaching is a noble profession and if teacher is found guilty of
the sexual harassment offence then it affects mind of the society especially
girls about education system. Therefore, some stringent measures should be
taken to prevent such cases in the educational institutions.

India also celebrates International Women Day every year, but there is constant
increase in the offences relating to women especially sexual harassment to
women. It has been observing such cases
at all India level. This is not a
problem of women in a particular Province of India but it is of whole Indian
women problem. Woman plays a vital role in Indian society but she has not
received that level of love, affection, respect, which offers to animals like
Cows, monkeys, Rats, Snakes and other miserable creatures in India as they are
Indian Nation God. Global community should take Notice and help Indians to maintain
the dignity of women, and then only INDIA can celebrate International Women Day
in the real sense.
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